Results 5-14-15 BR Rifle Match
Following are the scores from the May 14, 2015 Bench Rifle Match.
The next match will be Thursday May 28, 2015. The first match begins at 5 PM, followed by a second Match at 6 PM if there are people there who want to shoot. A third match will take place at 7 PM, again only if there are people there who want to shoot.
It is not too late to get involved. A new shooter can come out and shoot a trial match to see if this is something he might like to do, or a late series entrant can shoot 2 matches in one evening to get caught up, or out of the 5 scheduled matches in the series, only the best 4 will be scored so a new participant can opt to shoot only 4 out of the 5 to receive a full standing.
It is all good fun, so we encourage new shooters to come out and join us.