Military Rifle (CMP) League
The RSC Military Rifle Matches have been conducted monthly for the past eight years, providing RSC members and non-members the opportunity to exercise their military-style rifles in a safe and friendly competition. The RSC rifle range has six firing positions on a covered concrete pad with safety eyebrows, with targets set at 100 and 200 yards against twenty-foot high berms for safety. A heated and air-conditioned shoot building is proximate to the range for registration and target scoring. The RSC Military Rifle program is based on the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), and predominately employs NRA and CMP rules and practices for “as-issued” military rifles. RSC’s Military Rifle Matches incorporate both “Course A” (30 rds @ 100 yds, SR-1 targets) and “Course B” (30 rds @ 200 yds, SR targets) courses of fire. Shooters may participate in individual matches, or sign up for the summer or winter leagues, which have awards given for various classes and courses of fire.
RSC also conducts “fun” matches, including “Sniper” and “Call to Battle”, “Prairie Dog Shoots”, and “Playing Card” matches. A wide range of rifles are commonly used, from modern and vintage semi-automatics such as AR-15′s, FN-FAL’s, M1-A1′s, SKS’s, AK-47′s, M1 Garands and M1 Carbines to US and Foreign Bolt Action rifles including Springfields, Enfields, Mausers, Moisin-Nagants, Arisakas, and others.
RSC is a CMP-Affliated Club. Although it’s monthly matches are not CMP- Registered, future plans include CMP-Registered matches, which will be identified as such. Participation in one or more matches entitles the shooter to purchase firearms, ammo, and other items from CMP (website:
Click here for the 2024 Military League (CMP) Flyer, including dates and times of matches: CMP 2024 MIL RIFLE LEAGUE FLYER v1.0
Additional Information
RSC CMP matches are open to the Public. Please note that these matches are not a CMP/NRA “registered” shoot. League fees are noted on the attached flyer, and include a discount for RSC membership and multiple events. A shooter may participate on only one match if desired. The League entry fee includes a CMP Membership Card and Qualification Letter, which entitles the holder to purchase firearms, parts, and ammo directly from CMP. Standard “As Issued” military rifles with iron sights (e.g. Garands, M-1 Carbines, SKS, AK-47, AR-15, Springfields, Mausers, Enfields, Nagants, SKS, AK-47, AR-15 type rifles, etc). Rifles can be made available for use with advance notice, and ammo or chamber flags for purchase. Course “A” (20 rounds@100 yds) and Course “B” (30 rounds@200 yds) will be fired. Five sighters will be fired for either course of fire. The League scoring classes will include Modern and Vintage Semi-Auto and Bolt Action.
For more information, please contact Steven Gardner at or call 616 745-7800.
Recent News
November 23rd MATCH
Seven shooters fired ten lines. Top scores fired were Lou Skar with a (personal best) 256-1X (100 Yds), Ken Corson with a 252-0X (100 yds), Tim Hall with a 241-1X (200 Yds), and Ryan Engman with a 240-1X (200 yds),
The next match is Saturday, 07-December-2024, from 10:00-2:00. This will be the fifth match of the 2024 Fall/Winter League. There will also be a make-up match on Tuesday, 10-December.
PLEASE NOTE that relay assignments will be as close as possible to the November match.
A League membership is not required to take part in a match. All matches are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so non-RSC members may participate.
Hope you can make next month’s match!
The Match spreadsheet is attached: CMP-Match-Score-24-11-23
September 7th MATCH
The second match of the 2024 RSC CMP Fall/Winter league was held on Saturday, 07-September.
Eleven shooters fired fifteen lines. Top scores fired were Tim Hall with a 259-4X (200 yds), Brian Roeters with a 252-3X (100 yds), Mike Roeters with a 247-1x (100 yds), and Gavin Austin with a 236-0X (200 yds),
PLEASE NOTE that relay assignments will be as close as possible to the September match.
The next match is Saturday, 19-October-2024, from 10:00-2:00. This will be the third match of the 2024 Fall/Winter League.
A League membership is not required to take part in a match. All matches are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so non-RSC members may participate.
Hope you can make next month’s match!
The Match spreadsheet is attached: CMP-Match-Score-24-09-07
August 10th MATCH
The first match of the 2024 RSC CMP Fall/Winter league was held on Saturday, 10-August.
Nine shooters fired twelve lines. Top scores fired were Tim Hall with a 256-2X (200 yds), Lou Skar with a 234-1X (100 yds), Gavin Austin with a 229-1X (200 yds), and Bill Skallos with a 220-0X (100 yds).
Thanks again to KEN ADKINS for finishing this match for me.
PLEASE NOTE that I will again schedule relay assignments the week prior the the next match. Instructions to follow.
The next match is Saturday, 07-September-2024, from 10:00-2:00. This will be the second match of the 2024 Fall/Winter League.
A League membership is not required to take part in a match. All matches are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so non-RSC members may participate.
Hope you can make next month’s match!
The Match spreadsheet is attached: CMP-Match-Score-24-08-10
July 13th MATCH
The fifth match of the 2024 RSC CMP Spring/Summer league was held on Saturday, 13-July (Makeup was shot 16-July). Eleven shooters fired seventeen lines. Top scores fired were TIM HALL WITH A 255-0X, Doug Hilbert with a 246-0x, Ojan Negahban with a 245 2x, plus a 241-0x, and Ryan Engman shot a 232-1X.
Winners for the 2024 Spring/Summer CMP League are as follows:
Modern Rifle – A (Optic), Course of Fire A – 100 yds
1st Place, Tim Hall – 240.6
2nd Place, Lou Skar – 226.0
3rd Place, Ryan Engman – 209.2
Vintage Semi Auto, Course of Fire A – 100 yds
1st Place, Kevin Murphy – 174.0
Modern Rifle – A (Optic), Course of Fire B – 200 yds
1st Place, Ojan Negahban – 244.2
2nd Place, Ryan Engman – 206.8
3rd Place, Dale Engman – 199.0
Thanks to KEN ADKINS for running these matches in my absence.
PLEASE NOTE that relay assignments will be the same for the July and August matches as we shot on this (June) match. So, if you shot on relay two (11AM) in June, you will shoot on relay two for the July and August matches.
The next match is Saturday, 10-August-2024, from 10:00-2:00. This will be the first match of the 2024 Fall/Winter League.
A League membership is not required to take part in a match. All matches are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so non-RSC members may participate.
Hope you can make next month’s match!
The Match spreadsheet is attached: CMP-Match-Score-24-07-13
May 11th MATCH
The third match of the 2024 RSC CMP Spring/Summer league was held on Saturday, 11-May. Twelve shooters fired fifteen lines. Top scores fired were Kevin Cramer with a 275=4x, Ojan Negahban shot a 258-1x, Mike Guis fired a 252-2x, and Lou Skar with a 252-1x. We’re seeing some improved scoring in the last couple of months – maybe we learned a bit from Sgt Clouser in March.
Thanks to everyone for contacting me to reserve a Relay time. I believe that we’ll be able to use Shoot-N-Scoreit for future Relay scheduling, although I don’t have it ready to take reservations yet – I’ll send out a notification when it’s ready, along with a link to open Shoot-N-Scoreit.
The next match is Saturday, 15-June-2024, from 10:00-2:00.
A League membership is not required to take part in a match. All matches are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so non-RSC members may participate.
Hope you can make next month’s match!
The Match spreadsheet is attached: CMP-Match-Score-24-05-11
April 16th MATCH
The second match of the 2024 RSC CMP Spring/Summer league was held on Saturday, 06-April. Thirteen shooters fired fifteen lines. Top scores fired were Kevin Cramer with a 282-3x, Mike Guis with a 266-0x, and Ken Adkins with a 249-0x. The next match is 11-May-2024, from 10:00-2:00.
A League membership is not required to take part in a match. All matches are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so non-RSC members may participate.
Hope you can make next month’s match!
The Match spreadsheet is attached: CMP-Match-Score-24-04-16