Bench Rifle Match Result 6/12/2014
Thursday gave us another gorgeous evening of shooting. We had several shooters warming up before the Meijer Games next weekend. As I understand you can still participate in the Meijer Games Bench Rifle event. Please phone George Mayhak (616-540-1099) or Gordon Pickard (616-866-9055) for more information.
We have several shooters scoring in the high 800’s (out of a possible 900 perfect score). Very good marksmanship.
For those who have missed and week of shooting, you have 2 dates (6/24/14 and 7/10/14) to make up matches. You can shoot any time slot (as long as there is an open slot). After 15 before the hour, all open reserved spots become available on a first come, first serve basis. We will open a 7PM session if we have participants who want to shoot, so there is really no reason why you cannot get your sessions in.
Again, matches begin at 5 PM and 6 PM. Please be sure to be at your bench, ready to shoot, 15 minutes before the start of your match. New shooters are always welcome, and you may participate in any match by paying a per match fee of $5.00 ($7.00 non-member). We meet at the Rogue River Inn in Rockford to socialize following the evening of shooting.
Thank you for your support and participation in the Bench Rifle League.
Best regards,
Bob Hann