Results 22LR Bench Rifle League 6/23/2016 Match
Thursday, June 23 we had a pleasant evening and a good turnout of shooters. Also, good luck to those who participated in the Meijer State Games of Michigan on Sunday June 26.
There were a couple of minor moves in the middle of the pack. Jim Lund topped the evening with an 897 followed by Ed Mienko (892) and Tim Henkel (891).
July 14 will be our final match for the spring 2016 league. If you have missed any weeks you can make up a session by shooting a 2d match that evening. Final score will be determined my totaling up your 4 best scores and dropping your worst.
July 28 will be the first match of out summer 2016 series. You can sign up at the July 14 match or wait until July 28.
Thank you to everyone for your support. Without your help this league could not exist.
Bob Hann2016SpringBR06-23